Its freaking four am, I bet most of you should be sleeping like logs, twirling away in your fancy dresses and smart tuxedos in lalaland.
I've a Sp@#$(*#@$#(*@&(* litting headache that wouldn't go away. (maybe its the cause of my blur-ness O:) Funny thing is, it hurts even more while lying down, so I might as well spend time here or on the testimonial. Basically, I was clicking away for the past hour so I'll get to my testimonaial right after this.
During the 4 hours of sleep I've had from 11pm (around there), dreams haunted me and the fact that they're SO real seriously freaks me out. Add my past three days' events together, tweak it up a hell lot and transform ALL characters into snappy beings with booming voices...seriously freaky.
I normally have dejavus, so pleasseee don't let my dream come true. (this phrased shouldn't be used this way man)
my house houses the most distractions in the world, so that's out. I'll opt for anything no further than cityhall, and my tuition ends at 1:30pm. I don't really know when service ends for most of you guys so kindly text me. Anybody also can la, because I'm not sure how productive I'll be alone.
Put myself with myself and you get a stoning/doodling session and that's NOT good especially when the prelims (part 2) are a week away. I shouldn't continue, should I? it looks a "MOCCA ADVERTISMENT" more than anything, you get the point -.-
My msn status is still set to (online). Anyway, if my status is set to (online) yet I don't reply, and its around 11pm probably means I've fallen asleep and won't reply you till 2am or the next day.
Testimonial's almost done! Feels super weird to be writing down all your achivements and praising yourself -__-
good...morning. its 6:15 am.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
...........Somebody should try opening my brain up and see what's gotten inside lately @.@
I've been ESPECIALLY dumb for the past 3 days, tell me why. Yah, so i've been 'earning' loads of o_O stares from everybody around me. Like, WTH, what on earth are you thinking?!?! Emma, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT -.- (and that came from annia, so its probably not just lame insults i get everyday D:)
1) I can't walk straight
2) I stone alot
3) I say things without thinking
4) I have low levels of understanding
5) I say lame things (that's normal, though haha)
conclusion? I should sleep more, eat more proteins (fastfood probably makes you less clever), eat less sweets, do more maths, study more, read more books and at least try to act smart hahaha. (but acting smart is even dumber)
realised I'm not the only one today though, something damn funny happened HAHA.
(Y) who is free tomorrow (sunday, from 1:30 pm onwards) ???
I've been ESPECIALLY dumb for the past 3 days, tell me why. Yah, so i've been 'earning' loads of o_O stares from everybody around me. Like, WTH, what on earth are you thinking?!?! Emma, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT -.- (and that came from annia, so its probably not just lame insults i get everyday D:)
1) I can't walk straight
2) I stone alot
3) I say things without thinking
4) I have low levels of understanding
5) I say lame things (that's normal, though haha)
conclusion? I should sleep more, eat more proteins (fastfood probably makes you less clever), eat less sweets, do more maths, study more, read more books and at least try to act smart hahaha. (but acting smart is even dumber)
realised I'm not the only one today though, something damn funny happened HAHA.
(Y) who is free tomorrow (sunday, from 1:30 pm onwards) ???
Elvis Costello - She (nottinghill OST)
May be the face I can't forget
A trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
She may be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day.
May be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
A smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem
Inside her shell
She who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry
She may be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
That I'll remember till the day I die
May be the reason I survive
The why and wherefore I'm alive
The one I'll care for through the rough and ready years
Me I'll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I've got to be
The meaning of my life is
She, she, she...
Who has the nottinghill vcd/dvd/in their com? LETS TAKE HALF DAY OFF TO WATCH AFTER PRELIMS!! or watch disturbia with me, I bought the vcd but don't think I'd want to watch it alone ~_~
There she goes
(don't ask me why the songs are all about girls, they're just nice THAT'S ALL)
Friday, August 29, 2008
Today wasn't such a good day for me. Well, not until I realised how being alone is actually quite relaxing too. If you hadn't known by now, my greatest fear is loneliness. Creeps me outttt.
Unlike usual, Terie and I had to take bus 17 to school since JJ's required to reach school by 630 in preparation for the Teacher's day band performance. Sorry i was late, couldn't really get up at all :/
Sheena was on the same bus as us, so the walk up chang cheng was revolving around the movie she watched yesterday, 4bia. Sounds scary enough for me. I'm a scaredy cat and I've never watched a single ghost movie in my life, let alone the thai productions.
Anyway, I was greeted by a red and green card the moment I reached 4L, my job was to like, draw on it for mrs mohan and yelaoshi, wanzhen had sms-ed me about it earlier on. I really, really, really miss going up to 4L every morning like that.
I miss the times where we're at our respective seats during lessons, and I'llalways turn to yipeng, felicia, chongrui, ngikhiong, jeanette. Then I'll smile or do silly faces at leongying, give terie some sort of facial expression, stick my tongue out at sheena, scream at leona, give felicialim kissy faces, ask christina for her domo-kun, smile at germaine and grace, pass sweets to people and beg for sweets from some.
I wonder how much I've missed 2d'06 two years back. Must've been the same feeling, because I remember taking many many pictures of daily 2d activities for memory's sake. In 2d, the guys had football, in 4L they play bridge and chess the whole day. The girls..did practically the same things, talking, singing, getting high and stuff like that. Its great being a girl, anyway :D
Back to the topic
So our school held a teacher's day celebration - some touching videos, very entertaining performances (4C, and they their very own MDM SIM, and I SWEAR his back view looks EXACTLY like mdm sim's. Joel had his usual superb acting/performing), some games and the band performance. Yesterday once more and Jupiter, I think. Niceeeee.
Throughout the celebration, I was half drawing and half listening. Maybe that's why I didn't find it all too boring. After school, we went back to our classes and XUANEE PASSED ME MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT PART 2! :D

(okay xuaneeee, i love you THIS much, and you love me THIS much too!) She bakes the nicest things on earth, and the card was really sweet too, cause it had this voucher which entitled me to free hugs, AWWW :D
Grace got this BIGG spongebob for her birthday, there's some pictures in my camera but the cable screwed up again, so you'll see them another day! At the canteen, nothing was happening 'cause the secfours couldn't get mrbentan to cut our cake yet, and well...just nothing for me.
Skipping all the horrible and boring parts, Ashley, Kaiying, Siyun, Annia and I walked down the hill together and went our seperate ways. Not really, Ashley, Siyun and I ate at pizza hut and roamed around the mall in search for something but nothing in particular. It was kinda..nice during lunch I guess, retard was the word.
After siyun left for home, Ashley and I went to macs to 'study'. ended up talking for an hour or so before I left for my dental appointment. thanks for accompanying me hahaha :D
Remember I complained about toothaches? It was cause my teeth are too close together so particles were stuck there, causing gum inflammation. No biggie, just polished my teeth, and the nurse was REALLY nice. Except for the part where they put the vacuum thing in my mouth to suck the saliva out and got my tongue all DRY and gross, dental ain't bad AT ALL.
Thought I might have a few plans after dental so I headed to tampines mall, and in the end I was alone. It sucks ALOT to see everybodywith somebody, and I was somebody with nobody.
Everybody was with their primary school mates, while I was going round and round the mall myself, for at least 8 times. Wanted to ask ashley to come down to catch Wall-e with me, but the movie would end rather late for her, so the movie date got pushed to monday. Wanted to study with her at first, but the bunny-pig fell alseep o_O
I don't remember the number of times I've walked through the 2nd and 3rd level. Really. entered the music stall countless times, stared at the people below for minutes, waved to a few familiar faces but ended with a 'bye', looked sad in the toilet, and faked smiles for cleaners, had a strong urge to spend ALL my money away, and just thought about alot of stuff. In the end, I bought the disturbia vcd from music junction. Then I realised I couldn't watch it, anyway.
Being alone makes me emo, not until I've found a place to settle down (food court). Got myself a bottle of water and nothing else, like what I've did while waiting yesterday, just that I was waiting for nothing today.
Sat down. Took out book and doodled, things all around me and things going through my mind. Plugged into music, no use.
Not until I received an Sms from Alicia:
very random, but just the thing I needed then. The randomness somehow touched my heart, I wondered if she had a feeling about me being all alone. She was at home and just finished bathing. She asked why didn't I want to go home. Answer was simple, I told my mom that I'd be out studying (which was what I was planning to do in case there really wasn't anything on for me), so I didn't want to go home that early.
Smsed claire chin (pri school friend), and she was at home studying too. Well, so I wasn't the only one alone. Slowly, I felt better, and started to enjoy the peace and serenity around me. No restrictions, no awkward moments, no pressure to blabber stuff out. Just me, myself and I, all alone but kinda free.
Kaiying also had a long chat with me over the phone after the gathering with her primary school friends. I don't remember how long we've talked about everything and anything random, it just felt nice, that's all.
smsed other people too and finally headed for home at 7+ without dinner, while having a conference call with Annia, Kaiying and abit of ashley about our prom crisis (problem settled)
Time spent at home was...abit wasted. My com lags like shit, at least there's quite some people talking to me online tonight :D
bye. pictures tomorrow/when my cable UNSCREWES itself.
Unlike usual, Terie and I had to take bus 17 to school since JJ's required to reach school by 630 in preparation for the Teacher's day band performance. Sorry i was late, couldn't really get up at all :/
Sheena was on the same bus as us, so the walk up chang cheng was revolving around the movie she watched yesterday, 4bia. Sounds scary enough for me. I'm a scaredy cat and I've never watched a single ghost movie in my life, let alone the thai productions.
Anyway, I was greeted by a red and green card the moment I reached 4L, my job was to like, draw on it for mrs mohan and yelaoshi, wanzhen had sms-ed me about it earlier on. I really, really, really miss going up to 4L every morning like that.
I miss the times where we're at our respective seats during lessons, and I'llalways turn to yipeng, felicia, chongrui, ngikhiong, jeanette. Then I'll smile or do silly faces at leongying, give terie some sort of facial expression, stick my tongue out at sheena, scream at leona, give felicialim kissy faces, ask christina for her domo-kun, smile at germaine and grace, pass sweets to people and beg for sweets from some.
I wonder how much I've missed 2d'06 two years back. Must've been the same feeling, because I remember taking many many pictures of daily 2d activities for memory's sake. In 2d, the guys had football, in 4L they play bridge and chess the whole day. The girls..did practically the same things, talking, singing, getting high and stuff like that. Its great being a girl, anyway :D
Back to the topic
So our school held a teacher's day celebration - some touching videos, very entertaining performances (4C, and they their very own MDM SIM, and I SWEAR his back view looks EXACTLY like mdm sim's. Joel had his usual superb acting/performing), some games and the band performance. Yesterday once more and Jupiter, I think. Niceeeee.
Throughout the celebration, I was half drawing and half listening. Maybe that's why I didn't find it all too boring. After school, we went back to our classes and XUANEE PASSED ME MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT PART 2! :D
(okay xuaneeee, i love you THIS much, and you love me THIS much too!) She bakes the nicest things on earth, and the card was really sweet too, cause it had this voucher which entitled me to free hugs, AWWW :D
Grace got this BIGG spongebob for her birthday, there's some pictures in my camera but the cable screwed up again, so you'll see them another day! At the canteen, nothing was happening 'cause the secfours couldn't get mrbentan to cut our cake yet, and well...just nothing for me.
Skipping all the horrible and boring parts, Ashley, Kaiying, Siyun, Annia and I walked down the hill together and went our seperate ways. Not really, Ashley, Siyun and I ate at pizza hut and roamed around the mall in search for something but nothing in particular. It was kinda..nice during lunch I guess, retard was the word.
After siyun left for home, Ashley and I went to macs to 'study'. ended up talking for an hour or so before I left for my dental appointment. thanks for accompanying me hahaha :D
Remember I complained about toothaches? It was cause my teeth are too close together so particles were stuck there, causing gum inflammation. No biggie, just polished my teeth, and the nurse was REALLY nice. Except for the part where they put the vacuum thing in my mouth to suck the saliva out and got my tongue all DRY and gross, dental ain't bad AT ALL.
Thought I might have a few plans after dental so I headed to tampines mall, and in the end I was alone. It sucks ALOT to see everybodywith somebody, and I was somebody with nobody.
Everybody was with their primary school mates, while I was going round and round the mall myself, for at least 8 times. Wanted to ask ashley to come down to catch Wall-e with me, but the movie would end rather late for her, so the movie date got pushed to monday. Wanted to study with her at first, but the bunny-pig fell alseep o_O
I don't remember the number of times I've walked through the 2nd and 3rd level. Really. entered the music stall countless times, stared at the people below for minutes, waved to a few familiar faces but ended with a 'bye', looked sad in the toilet, and faked smiles for cleaners, had a strong urge to spend ALL my money away, and just thought about alot of stuff. In the end, I bought the disturbia vcd from music junction. Then I realised I couldn't watch it, anyway.
Being alone makes me emo, not until I've found a place to settle down (food court). Got myself a bottle of water and nothing else, like what I've did while waiting yesterday, just that I was waiting for nothing today.
Sat down. Took out book and doodled, things all around me and things going through my mind. Plugged into music, no use.
Not until I received an Sms from Alicia:
very random, but just the thing I needed then. The randomness somehow touched my heart, I wondered if she had a feeling about me being all alone. She was at home and just finished bathing. She asked why didn't I want to go home. Answer was simple, I told my mom that I'd be out studying (which was what I was planning to do in case there really wasn't anything on for me), so I didn't want to go home that early.
Smsed claire chin (pri school friend), and she was at home studying too. Well, so I wasn't the only one alone. Slowly, I felt better, and started to enjoy the peace and serenity around me. No restrictions, no awkward moments, no pressure to blabber stuff out. Just me, myself and I, all alone but kinda free.
Kaiying also had a long chat with me over the phone after the gathering with her primary school friends. I don't remember how long we've talked about everything and anything random, it just felt nice, that's all.
smsed other people too and finally headed for home at 7+ without dinner, while having a conference call with Annia, Kaiying and abit of ashley about our prom crisis (problem settled)
Time spent at home was...abit wasted. My com lags like shit, at least there's quite some people talking to me online tonight :D
bye. pictures tomorrow/when my cable UNSCREWES itself.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
There's a song that's inside of my soul.
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again.
Just that I can never get the words I've wanted to say down. Paper and ink are soundproof material, so nobody can hear the voice echoing inside my soul.
one picture = 1000 words
two pictures = 2000 words
two pictures + more words = > 2000 words. (Y) O:
Deaddd beat. I'll update later/tomorrow.
If I should die before you wake, its cause you took my breath away
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again.
Just that I can never get the words I've wanted to say down. Paper and ink are soundproof material, so nobody can hear the voice echoing inside my soul.
one picture = 1000 words
two pictures = 2000 words
two pictures + more words = > 2000 words. (Y) O:
Deaddd beat. I'll update later/tomorrow.
If I should die before you wake, its cause you took my breath away
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Under the starry night sky on my way home just now, I was crossing the road while replying to a message. Think I was blindly following this middle-age guy clad in a yellow polo tee. His presence doesn't matter, anyway. I'll just need to run when he does, turn the correct direction with him and make my way across the road safely.
As we neared our destination, I heard him me.
me: red
uncle: blue
"You cross the road and read message at the same time, no need to see car ah?"
Was kinda afraid he was a pervert, actually. So I gave him a smile and continued walking.
Then, he struck a conversation with me:
"wah, school holiday coming ah, so late still got cca?"
"huh, uh, no haha I was having tuition. School holidays week, yup"
"Woah, so late still got tuition, study hard ya?"
"hmm, yeah I guess, exams period haha"
"yup, sec four prelims now, very busy, its after the september holidays so we have to study during the holidays too"
"woah, so busy"
"no choice la, Singapore's like that, stressful and all"
"so you stay very far away huh, just for tuition?"
"nope, i can just take the mrt haha, not far away la"
"yeah, haha."
"yeah, work hard okay, get past this stage and you'll get to JC. You want to go to jc right?"
"yup, haha. You have children in JC?"
"Yeah, one in MJC and the other in Singapore Poly. Don't know why single digit also want to go to poly. Teens nowadays, more and more want to go to poly."
"haha, I guess, poly is more hands on so I guess It'll be more interesting? I want to go to JC though"
"Yah, people want to get a degree now and get to work once their education ends, right"
"Yup, its more stable, at least for me. Since you'll have to have a very clear aim and know what you want to do if you were to enter poly"
There were some other stuff, but I'm kinda in a rush now. So the mrt station was right in front of my eyes, and we went our separate ways.
"alright, work hard okay? this is the most crucial time of the year"
"yup, sure I will, thankyou ^_^"
"Be sure you will, I'm sure you'll do well, good luck girl. Bye!"
"Thanks again, goodnight, bye!
Quite heartwarming, even though he looked abit like TMT. Its nice to have a passerby tell you "I'M SURE YOU'LL DO WELL, GOODLUCK GIRL."
I better do well.
Which reminds me of a conversation I've had with an auntie at macs the other day.
"auntie, vanilla cone ke yi fang mcflurry na ge oreo bits ma?" (i wanted to put oreo bits on vanilla cone)
*thinks* (i'll write in english)
"don't think so, no la, the oreo bits will fall out."
"OHHH, i see, just asking only haha ^_^"
"yah, can't even stick to the icecream, cannot la"
"Okay, thankyou auntie, bye!"
SOOOMETHING like that, there were more to it but, yah.
Oral was fine yesterday,
I waited on stage for a REALLLLY long time and chatted with GERM-AI-NEE all the way ^_^ Nice talking to her man hahaha, we were being rather lame though, so like her LOL.
I was REALLY urgent for the toilet and asked S Lai Lai Lai for permission to go to the toilet, and she rejected around...5 times or more. I wanted to kill her then, my bladder was bursting, why don't you try having me pee on your face? She went back to sleep everytime I asked, and her answer was "YOU PEOPLE SHOULD LEARN TO HOLD BACK"
my. bladder. was. bursting.
Pissifying, but whatever, i took a leak before my turn in the end at around 4:30. The oral was fine, one examiner looked constantly pissed, but I blurted out quite some stuff though they might not make sense.
"Tell me about the best performance you've watched" (olympics opening)
"People worry too much, do you agree?" (followed by some crap)
Oh,wait. I'm right after Yihan so...maybe I'll get marked down or something 0.O
Went home with leona felicia yipeng. :D
history was kinda shitty, i studied everything in 2.2 BESIDES fascist Japan, slap me please. Fell asleep last night...
chinese compo was fine, 2 and 3/4 page for compo (qn 3) and 2 pg 2 lines for gong han. SHOULD be fine.
English compo's screwed, not enough time and situational SHOULD be fine. think. reading is o_O but the rest...idk what to say, just okay? or maybe i'll flunk.
SS...looked fine but maybe flunk too la hor.
Emaths..not enough time -.- should be able to pass but i'm not too sure either.
anyway, some people made me kinda high, crazy, kuku and weird today -.- Was being damn crazy at night omg.
Dental apptmnt at 3pm on friday, i've got a toothache.
Right, its 11:21pm now, I've gotta bathe and sleep. Thanks sy for reminding me to sleep early ^_^
GOODLUCK FOR AMATHS AND LIT (i don't take lit)! :D
As we neared our destination, I heard him me.
me: red
uncle: blue
"You cross the road and read message at the same time, no need to see car ah?"
Was kinda afraid he was a pervert, actually. So I gave him a smile and continued walking.
Then, he struck a conversation with me:
"wah, school holiday coming ah, so late still got cca?"
"huh, uh, no haha I was having tuition. School holidays week, yup"
"Woah, so late still got tuition, study hard ya?"
"hmm, yeah I guess, exams period haha"
"yup, sec four prelims now, very busy, its after the september holidays so we have to study during the holidays too"
"woah, so busy"
"no choice la, Singapore's like that, stressful and all"
"so you stay very far away huh, just for tuition?"
"nope, i can just take the mrt haha, not far away la"
"yeah, haha."
"yeah, work hard okay, get past this stage and you'll get to JC. You want to go to jc right?"
"yup, haha. You have children in JC?"
"Yeah, one in MJC and the other in Singapore Poly. Don't know why single digit also want to go to poly. Teens nowadays, more and more want to go to poly."
"haha, I guess, poly is more hands on so I guess It'll be more interesting? I want to go to JC though"
"Yah, people want to get a degree now and get to work once their education ends, right"
"Yup, its more stable, at least for me. Since you'll have to have a very clear aim and know what you want to do if you were to enter poly"
There were some other stuff, but I'm kinda in a rush now. So the mrt station was right in front of my eyes, and we went our separate ways.
"alright, work hard okay? this is the most crucial time of the year"
"yup, sure I will, thankyou ^_^"
"Be sure you will, I'm sure you'll do well, good luck girl. Bye!"
"Thanks again, goodnight, bye!
Quite heartwarming, even though he looked abit like TMT. Its nice to have a passerby tell you "I'M SURE YOU'LL DO WELL, GOODLUCK GIRL."
I better do well.
Which reminds me of a conversation I've had with an auntie at macs the other day.
"auntie, vanilla cone ke yi fang mcflurry na ge oreo bits ma?" (i wanted to put oreo bits on vanilla cone)
*thinks* (i'll write in english)
"don't think so, no la, the oreo bits will fall out."
"OHHH, i see, just asking only haha ^_^"
"yah, can't even stick to the icecream, cannot la"
"Okay, thankyou auntie, bye!"
SOOOMETHING like that, there were more to it but, yah.
Oral was fine yesterday,
I waited on stage for a REALLLLY long time and chatted with GERM-AI-NEE all the way ^_^ Nice talking to her man hahaha, we were being rather lame though, so like her LOL.
I was REALLY urgent for the toilet and asked S Lai Lai Lai for permission to go to the toilet, and she rejected around...5 times or more. I wanted to kill her then, my bladder was bursting, why don't you try having me pee on your face? She went back to sleep everytime I asked, and her answer was "YOU PEOPLE SHOULD LEARN TO HOLD BACK"
my. bladder. was. bursting.
Pissifying, but whatever, i took a leak before my turn in the end at around 4:30. The oral was fine, one examiner looked constantly pissed, but I blurted out quite some stuff though they might not make sense.
"Tell me about the best performance you've watched" (olympics opening)
"People worry too much, do you agree?" (followed by some crap)
Oh,wait. I'm right after Yihan so...maybe I'll get marked down or something 0.O
Went home with leona felicia yipeng. :D
history was kinda shitty, i studied everything in 2.2 BESIDES fascist Japan, slap me please. Fell asleep last night...
chinese compo was fine, 2 and 3/4 page for compo (qn 3) and 2 pg 2 lines for gong han. SHOULD be fine.
English compo's screwed, not enough time and situational SHOULD be fine. think. reading is o_O but the rest...idk what to say, just okay? or maybe i'll flunk.
SS...looked fine but maybe flunk too la hor.
Emaths..not enough time -.- should be able to pass but i'm not too sure either.
anyway, some people made me kinda high, crazy, kuku and weird today -.- Was being damn crazy at night omg.
Dental apptmnt at 3pm on friday, i've got a toothache.
Right, its 11:21pm now, I've gotta bathe and sleep. Thanks sy for reminding me to sleep early ^_^
GOODLUCK FOR AMATHS AND LIT (i don't take lit)! :D
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I typed something halfway but I have to sleep now goodnight.
Peixuan, I'll jiayou for your sake and my sake and MOGUMOGU's sake! :D :D :D
I'M IN STUDYING MOOD BECAUSE TODAY WAS KINDA ACCOMPLISHING (Y). for me at least O: There shall be more progress made tomorrow ^_^
Peixuan, I'll jiayou for your sake and my sake and MOGUMOGU's sake! :D :D :D
I'M IN STUDYING MOOD BECAUSE TODAY WAS KINDA ACCOMPLISHING (Y). for me at least O: There shall be more progress made tomorrow ^_^
Thursday, August 21, 2008
category: reflections. hmm.
Sorry I always seem like I don't care anymore, I do. My mind's been caught up in...nothing actually, I just seem to be daydreaming alot recently, my replies are normally short (not sweet).
I know what I want to say deep down inside of me, but the words that come out of my mouth makes it seem otherwise. I'm not talking about any deep stuff here, just simple questions that randomly pop by...not being able to answer properly when you know you can seriously puts you off for the rest of the day. Knowing that its your own fault that you hadn't thought properly makes it worse.
Recently, the stuff I say have become pretty shallow, too. Sometimes, I feel pretentious, fake and whatnot, at other times I just feel so devoid of emotions, I'll let anything around me affect how I feel. There are also times when I feel so stupid, because I used to be able to say things with at least a little depth. Now, all you can do is wade in my little paddling pool.
I can think of something, but what comes out of me are usually a stream of "emo" words or bubbles of laughter, be it real or not so real. I feel like I have a mask around me on some days, but the next moment I'll feel so transparent. But I don't let people see through me anymore.
The things I write makes it seem as though you're able to look at everything inside. Gross, then don't look. The emo-ing comes to naught, I know that, but not for me. Or maybe not. Its pointless blabbering and I know it much too well. I feel as though nothing ain't going right for me, but I'm the one who affects everything.
Reading through all the letters and photos and sifting through the presents, scouring my mind for the wonderful memories...there's just too many of them, so why had I even blamed anybody for making my life look less miserable? Its nobody but myself. I want something from another, but yet I do just the opposite. What I do sometimes really make me cringe in disgust, really.
Fragments of the wonderful times serve as my wake up call. I was stupid, I am stupid, but I won't be stupid anymore.
The words "thankyou" and "sorry" usually flow out of me like coins from the jackpot. Too many of everything ain't too good. So here's none.
Please forget any of those words I've typed or said, and please let me start afresh.
Like..the past? Yes, and let those textbooks be that portal for time travel.
Innit cool ;D
Sorry I always seem like I don't care anymore, I do. My mind's been caught up in...nothing actually, I just seem to be daydreaming alot recently, my replies are normally short (not sweet).
I know what I want to say deep down inside of me, but the words that come out of my mouth makes it seem otherwise. I'm not talking about any deep stuff here, just simple questions that randomly pop by...not being able to answer properly when you know you can seriously puts you off for the rest of the day. Knowing that its your own fault that you hadn't thought properly makes it worse.
Recently, the stuff I say have become pretty shallow, too. Sometimes, I feel pretentious, fake and whatnot, at other times I just feel so devoid of emotions, I'll let anything around me affect how I feel. There are also times when I feel so stupid, because I used to be able to say things with at least a little depth. Now, all you can do is wade in my little paddling pool.
I can think of something, but what comes out of me are usually a stream of "emo" words or bubbles of laughter, be it real or not so real. I feel like I have a mask around me on some days, but the next moment I'll feel so transparent. But I don't let people see through me anymore.
The things I write makes it seem as though you're able to look at everything inside. Gross, then don't look. The emo-ing comes to naught, I know that, but not for me. Or maybe not. Its pointless blabbering and I know it much too well. I feel as though nothing ain't going right for me, but I'm the one who affects everything.
Reading through all the letters and photos and sifting through the presents, scouring my mind for the wonderful memories...there's just too many of them, so why had I even blamed anybody for making my life look less miserable? Its nobody but myself. I want something from another, but yet I do just the opposite. What I do sometimes really make me cringe in disgust, really.
Fragments of the wonderful times serve as my wake up call. I was stupid, I am stupid, but I won't be stupid anymore.
The words "thankyou" and "sorry" usually flow out of me like coins from the jackpot. Too many of everything ain't too good. So here's none.
Please forget any of those words I've typed or said, and please let me start afresh.
Like..the past? Yes, and let those textbooks be that portal for time travel.
Innit cool ;D
My back hurts like crap.
Anyway, I heard the tables have to be cleared by today so I got a few friends to help me bring the books cause they have some notes in them. Turns out that we don't have to clear it by today.. -.-
So, sorry if Ma fan dao you all, and thanks if you brought it for me already :D I think I was being quite troublesome today, sorry again.
Is it safe to only study sec 3 (w/o deterrence and first part of governance). Plus read sec four globalization?
Be back at 8+ to mug my assoff ):
Anyway, I heard the tables have to be cleared by today so I got a few friends to help me bring the books cause they have some notes in them. Turns out that we don't have to clear it by today.. -.-
So, sorry if Ma fan dao you all, and thanks if you brought it for me already :D I think I was being quite troublesome today, sorry again.
Is it safe to only study sec 3 (w/o deterrence and first part of governance). Plus read sec four globalization?
Be back at 8+ to mug my assoff ):
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
first day of school after two days of absence
There's...something wrong with me.
Was rushing here and there right after school and came home reallly exhausted. I only remember switching the computer on and dilly-dallying for an hour before bathing. There's a reason for the dilly-dallying/procrastinating.
Think I was about to take out my scrunchie and decided to look into the mirror to see why people said it was "perpendicular" today. (my scrunchie's really fat so my hair was jutting out) Well ya, anyway I was facing sideways and strained my eyes to see what's BEHIND my head.
Bad, bad choice. I suddenly felt dizzy and everything I saw was covered in a film of...white LIGHT for at least 10 seconds. Idk if this is normal for you guys man, but the feeling dizzy part certainly ain't normal. NO la I don't think I'm on the verge of fainting, but did stumble abit so I decided to rest on the bed for awhile.
....and got a headache. Freak headaches okay, freak headaches. I don't care if I get a runny nose, freak headaches. They make you want to cut your brain open, seriously.
Hah, but I'm better after bathing, have a feeling that my lack of sleep and diet is the cause of it all.
1) I sleep less than 6 hours a day. (heard Terie's mom saying how kids who sleep less than 6.5 hours a day are very prone to getting HIGH blood pressue. freak O: )
2) I've lost my appetite AGAIN. Always feeling hungry but once I see the food, I don't wanna eat. (didn't eat lunch and dinner yesterday?! till like, 11 pm)
3) I've been eating junkfood/fastfood/outside food for breakfast, lunch, dinner etc. these days.
not (Y), not (Y). And freak today too, my tuition teacher didn't let me off though I said I was supposed to be rushing off, she scolded me k -.- zzz. Think she wanted to extend the time but I obviously couldn't make it so....whatever.
But my family's cool cause we always throw things down from the window when somebody's in a rush hahaha. I did JUST that today, it landed on the floor with a VERY loud THUD, hope the neighbours don't complain HAHA. (WE ONLY THROW THINGS DOWN IN A RUSH. like books, keys, cds etc. NOT LITTERING)
"Hey Mr Hamdan, do you have a girlfriend...?"
"ohh, TOO MANY for me to count."
LOL. Mr hamdan was being very hilarious today. Seems like you won't be stress-free no matter what. Single = some problems , Married = problems, Kids = more problems.
He still gets scolded by his mom HAHAHA!! But getting married and having kids still = (Y) (Y) (Y)
Many people didn't come to school today, and many ain't going tomorrow either. The prom king/queen election was kinda interesting, casted votes for 6 guys and 6 girls ^_^ (NOT TELLING YA MY VOTES ;D)
Got back two days' worth of worksheets for my absence from school. There was this english speech I did which earned me 23, not too good and that doesn't matter here, the remark at the back does o_O

Wow, you know what, I really did this speech during maths lessons that day.
Cause I thought we HAD to hand it in by the end of the day, but I was the only one who finished writing it in the end -__-

The first things in my line of vision on monday. 原风不动。
Well, think all of you know I studied with ashley at BK till 9+ (and got a freaking runny nose).
..and went up to Terie's house till 1130 to study ^_^

+ classical music = ultimate!!!!
Was rushing here and there right after school and came home reallly exhausted. I only remember switching the computer on and dilly-dallying for an hour before bathing. There's a reason for the dilly-dallying/procrastinating.
Think I was about to take out my scrunchie and decided to look into the mirror to see why people said it was "perpendicular" today. (my scrunchie's really fat so my hair was jutting out) Well ya, anyway I was facing sideways and strained my eyes to see what's BEHIND my head.
Bad, bad choice. I suddenly felt dizzy and everything I saw was covered in a film of...white LIGHT for at least 10 seconds. Idk if this is normal for you guys man, but the feeling dizzy part certainly ain't normal. NO la I don't think I'm on the verge of fainting, but did stumble abit so I decided to rest on the bed for awhile.
....and got a headache. Freak headaches okay, freak headaches. I don't care if I get a runny nose, freak headaches. They make you want to cut your brain open, seriously.
Hah, but I'm better after bathing, have a feeling that my lack of sleep and diet is the cause of it all.
1) I sleep less than 6 hours a day. (heard Terie's mom saying how kids who sleep less than 6.5 hours a day are very prone to getting HIGH blood pressue. freak O: )
2) I've lost my appetite AGAIN. Always feeling hungry but once I see the food, I don't wanna eat. (didn't eat lunch and dinner yesterday?! till like, 11 pm)
3) I've been eating junkfood/fastfood/outside food for breakfast, lunch, dinner etc. these days.
not (Y), not (Y). And freak today too, my tuition teacher didn't let me off though I said I was supposed to be rushing off, she scolded me k -.- zzz. Think she wanted to extend the time but I obviously couldn't make it so....whatever.
But my family's cool cause we always throw things down from the window when somebody's in a rush hahaha. I did JUST that today, it landed on the floor with a VERY loud THUD, hope the neighbours don't complain HAHA. (WE ONLY THROW THINGS DOWN IN A RUSH. like books, keys, cds etc. NOT LITTERING)
"Hey Mr Hamdan, do you have a girlfriend...?"
"ohh, TOO MANY for me to count."
LOL. Mr hamdan was being very hilarious today. Seems like you won't be stress-free no matter what. Single = some problems , Married = problems, Kids = more problems.
He still gets scolded by his mom HAHAHA!! But getting married and having kids still = (Y) (Y) (Y)
Many people didn't come to school today, and many ain't going tomorrow either. The prom king/queen election was kinda interesting, casted votes for 6 guys and 6 girls ^_^ (NOT TELLING YA MY VOTES ;D)
Got back two days' worth of worksheets for my absence from school. There was this english speech I did which earned me 23, not too good and that doesn't matter here, the remark at the back does o_O
Wow, you know what, I really did this speech during maths lessons that day.
Cause I thought we HAD to hand it in by the end of the day, but I was the only one who finished writing it in the end -__-
The first things in my line of vision on monday. 原风不动。
Well, think all of you know I studied with ashley at BK till 9+ (and got a freaking runny nose).
..and went up to Terie's house till 1130 to study ^_^
+ classical music = ultimate!!!!
time to say goodbye
Con te Partiro.
maybe, someday, one day. 'cause it takes one to know another.
I won't hesitate no more, no more, it cannot wait i'm sure.
Time won't change things, time will tell.
maybe, someday, one day. 'cause it takes one to know another.
I won't hesitate no more, no more, it cannot wait i'm sure.
Time won't change things, time will tell.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
This side of the water's really cold!
'Cause it ain't deep enough.. Hey, that's your side! Ohno, its mine! O:
If the world's gonna end in 7 years (which will really happen if our efforts in saving the world doesn't work. the documentary said so)....I shouldn't even be here.
Man, I'd be exploring the world and start doing what I like.
I'd be talking to my friends all day like this, singing along, eating with them as if every meal were the last supper, have someone tuck me into bed everyday, splattering paint everywhere I go, going around the streets for exchanges, I'd try going home alone from school, I'd try to do everything alone just for a day.
I'd be showing my gratitude towards others the way they've helped me, spending time thinking about what I really want to say to a person, saying all I want to say to a person for being a part of my life, recording down every single moment to be read on the day I die, trying to become a better person, not one to please everybody but one who knows what I'm doing.
I'd stop thinking about unnecessary things like right now, stop studying crap, stop being how I am like right now, stop being pessimistic even if the situation doesn't require it, stop being a person who's so easily influenced, stop wanting to be perfect, stop procrastinating, stop arguing with my mother, stop making others feel bad just because I'm sad or mad.
I'd stop wanting to keep a distance between myself and some people, I'd stop making my mom mad even if she was just being nice, I'd stop trying to read others' minds because I might fail terribly at that, I'd stop letting emotions take control of me.
You know what, I'd just stop thinking about what I thought about and go with the flow.
What if I told you tomorrow would be your last day on earth? what would you do?
So hi everybady,
I'm grateful you're part of my life, don't let my words affect any of you, my words are not meant for this purpose, they exist only to satisfy my own needs. Unnecessary ones at times. Hmm.
and seeyou in school tomorrow. I'm back. HAHAH :D
'Cause it ain't deep enough.. Hey, that's your side! Ohno, its mine! O:
If the world's gonna end in 7 years (which will really happen if our efforts in saving the world doesn't work. the documentary said so)....I shouldn't even be here.
Man, I'd be exploring the world and start doing what I like.
I'd be talking to my friends all day like this, singing along, eating with them as if every meal were the last supper, have someone tuck me into bed everyday, splattering paint everywhere I go, going around the streets for exchanges, I'd try going home alone from school, I'd try to do everything alone just for a day.
I'd be showing my gratitude towards others the way they've helped me, spending time thinking about what I really want to say to a person, saying all I want to say to a person for being a part of my life, recording down every single moment to be read on the day I die, trying to become a better person, not one to please everybody but one who knows what I'm doing.
I'd stop thinking about unnecessary things like right now, stop studying crap, stop being how I am like right now, stop being pessimistic even if the situation doesn't require it, stop being a person who's so easily influenced, stop wanting to be perfect, stop procrastinating, stop arguing with my mother, stop making others feel bad just because I'm sad or mad.
I'd stop wanting to keep a distance between myself and some people, I'd stop making my mom mad even if she was just being nice, I'd stop trying to read others' minds because I might fail terribly at that, I'd stop letting emotions take control of me.
You know what, I'd just stop thinking about what I thought about and go with the flow.
What if I told you tomorrow would be your last day on earth? what would you do?
So hi everybady,
I'm grateful you're part of my life, don't let my words affect any of you, my words are not meant for this purpose, they exist only to satisfy my own needs. Unnecessary ones at times. Hmm.
and seeyou in school tomorrow. I'm back. HAHAH :D
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hi, I'm a running tap, my name is andy. (Don't ask me why its andy, the name andy reminds me of a tap. Specifically the tap in the panadol cold advertisement)
Ah forget it, scrap the Andy part.
Anyway, I went to the doctor as a perfectly fine 'patient' this morning, saying I had a diarrhoea because I had eaten out the day before (I eat out everyday, actually). The doc gave me three types of medicine and an mc for two days. Oh, maybe I really had a LITTLE bit of diarrhoea, but whatever it doesn't hurt me.
After that, I went back home for lunch, bathed and met ashley at Eastpoint burger King to study. It was freaking cold there, so I'm really lucky I brought the jacket. Both of us stayed there till 9+, and this studying session left me feeling quite accomplished. Didn't cover much chapters but at least I wrote out some notes and familiarized with them.
Absolutely accomplishing, because I returned with a fine, wonderful runnynose/cold. Let me tell you why that's accomplishing. Even though the doc gave me 2 days MC, I was planning to go to school just for SS lessons. But hey, since I'm in this terrible state now, might as well as not go, huh. Something will crop up everytime I try to pon school (be it for studies of what), last time rashes popped out, and now its a cold.
A cold won't stop me from work, so the next stop was Terie's house. Over there, we switched off the lights and only left the table lamps on, complete with my ipod connected to her portable speaker system. Classical music whoo.
Stayed there till 1130 pm, thanks for having me ah :D
Picture tomorrow, Im freaking tired.
I'm freaking tired AND i have a freaking runny nose.
Freak runny noses, bye. NIGHTS.
oh, I used a grand total of 121 sms today. (Y)
Ah forget it, scrap the Andy part.
Anyway, I went to the doctor as a perfectly fine 'patient' this morning, saying I had a diarrhoea because I had eaten out the day before (I eat out everyday, actually). The doc gave me three types of medicine and an mc for two days. Oh, maybe I really had a LITTLE bit of diarrhoea, but whatever it doesn't hurt me.
After that, I went back home for lunch, bathed and met ashley at Eastpoint burger King to study. It was freaking cold there, so I'm really lucky I brought the jacket. Both of us stayed there till 9+, and this studying session left me feeling quite accomplished. Didn't cover much chapters but at least I wrote out some notes and familiarized with them.
Absolutely accomplishing, because I returned with a fine, wonderful runnynose/cold. Let me tell you why that's accomplishing. Even though the doc gave me 2 days MC, I was planning to go to school just for SS lessons. But hey, since I'm in this terrible state now, might as well as not go, huh. Something will crop up everytime I try to pon school (be it for studies of what), last time rashes popped out, and now its a cold.
A cold won't stop me from work, so the next stop was Terie's house. Over there, we switched off the lights and only left the table lamps on, complete with my ipod connected to her portable speaker system. Classical music whoo.
Stayed there till 1130 pm, thanks for having me ah :D
Picture tomorrow, Im freaking tired.
I'm freaking tired AND i have a freaking runny nose.
Freak runny noses, bye. NIGHTS.
oh, I used a grand total of 121 sms today. (Y)
Skipped school today to get myself some extra studying time, though i have tuition at 930 to 1230. Anyway, I woke up to a few sms-es asking me about what happened.
"what happened?" "where are you?" "omg emma what happened?"
me: "LOL huh what I didn't come today leh o_O what happened?!?" (Abit anti climax la hor)
Apparently, dm called me, annia, ash, siyun, 2k and their form teacher up during assembly. I was like "HUH WHAT DID I DO?!" guess what?
we were caught eating in class that day -.-
chocolates only, and got booked by a councillor. wowww. don't know why they called 2k but well, sorry you guys for not coming. one for all, all for one you know. too bad we're the FOUR musketeers not THREE. but eh, sorry again. D: but it wasn't bad i heard, so yup
hah, that's that, i'm smsing people in class and it feels shiok to be at home. NO I'M GOING TO STUDY yup, bye computer :D
seeyou :D
"what happened?" "where are you?" "omg emma what happened?"
me: "LOL huh what I didn't come today leh o_O what happened?!?" (Abit anti climax la hor)
Apparently, dm called me, annia, ash, siyun, 2k and their form teacher up during assembly. I was like "HUH WHAT DID I DO?!" guess what?
we were caught eating in class that day -.-
chocolates only, and got booked by a councillor. wowww. don't know why they called 2k but well, sorry you guys for not coming. one for all, all for one you know. too bad we're the FOUR musketeers not THREE. but eh, sorry again. D: but it wasn't bad i heard, so yup
hah, that's that, i'm smsing people in class and it feels shiok to be at home. NO I'M GOING TO STUDY yup, bye computer :D
seeyou :D
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I was listening to Emmy Rossum's songs and came across "O holy night". Found many versions of it, here's only 13 of them. (click on wikipedia link to find out which artists have done a recording on it)
hope they don't lag your com hahaha.
O holy night
O Holy night, the stars are brightly shining.
It is the night of our dear Saviour's birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! Oh hear the angel voices!
Oh night divine! Oh night when Christ was born!
Oh night divine! Oh night! Oh night divine!
Emmy Rossum (:D)
Kelly Clarkson (I like this version alot)
Carrie Underwood
Josh Groban
David Archuleta
Celine Dion (hello its celine dion O:)
Charlotte Church
NSync (acapella)
Christina Aguilera
Whiteney Houston
The Corrs (i like the corrs :D)
Jessica Simpson (don't know what she's doing with her head and those eyes)
Avril Lavigne (and Chantal Kreviazuk)
Not too nice, unfortunately D:
There's more from Martina Mcbride and Mariah Carey, but they disabled the embedding link for it
Celine Dion - Calling you
If you happen to have this song, please send it to me :D
Emmy rossum singing carol of the bells!
(i think the choir sang it for carolling once, right? wait, i think we learnt the song but didn't use it for carolling D:)
hope they don't lag your com hahaha.
O holy night
O Holy night, the stars are brightly shining.
It is the night of our dear Saviour's birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! Oh hear the angel voices!
Oh night divine! Oh night when Christ was born!
Oh night divine! Oh night! Oh night divine!
Emmy Rossum (:D)
Kelly Clarkson (I like this version alot)
Carrie Underwood
Josh Groban
David Archuleta
Celine Dion (hello its celine dion O:)
Charlotte Church
NSync (acapella)
Christina Aguilera
Whiteney Houston
The Corrs (i like the corrs :D)
Jessica Simpson (don't know what she's doing with her head and those eyes)
Avril Lavigne (and Chantal Kreviazuk)
Not too nice, unfortunately D:
There's more from Martina Mcbride and Mariah Carey, but they disabled the embedding link for it
Celine Dion - Calling you
If you happen to have this song, please send it to me :D
Emmy rossum singing carol of the bells!
(i think the choir sang it for carolling once, right? wait, i think we learnt the song but didn't use it for carolling D:)
Alright, some of you should know that I'm a fan of Emmy Rossum, not hardcore fan but still a fan at least. Spins perfectly well I'd say.
So, here are a few videos with her, of her and about her.
Firstly, Emmy's an actress AND a singer, definitely not just another of those who sing for the sake of it (and don't sound too good), she'd pick music over acting anytime. Actually, she only became interested in acting after a few years in the singing career, became a member of the Metropolitan Opera Children's Chorus at the age of 7.
Secondly, she played the role of Christine in Phantom of the Opera (the movie) and did a wonderful job, and I'm sure most of you know that.
So say you'll love me every waking moment..
Thirdly, she's classy. VERY, classy. And pretty, complete with a...hypnotic voice. Not to forget she's only 22 right now, and starred in POTO at the tender age of 16. She's also been in The day after tomorrow, Mystic River and Poseidon etc.
Tell me, why wouldn't anybody love her?
Great Moments with Emmy Rossum :D
(her pronounciation's fantastic)
Four of her self composed songs. Some of them are a little unique, but you'll eventually fall in love with them after awhile ^_^ She's added many many layers to the music, thus making it so rich.
been too long (it wasn't released, but her nicest imo)
September, the leaves were falling red and gold
And I remember the way you pulled me closer
Nothing else existed in the world we lived in
Hidden, we didn't see the storm was coming closer
That was then
But the time has come and gone
Nothing left but a broken story
We can't change, can't erase
Nothing that we can say now
Can get back what we gave up
That was then, this is now
It's been too long
December, when we were
Drifting like the falling snow
Around us but then a winter's chill blew through your heart
Mistakes we made didn't know what they'd change
The silence, was so hard
But I am stronger for it
That was then
But the time has come and gone
Nothing left but a broken story
We can't change, can't erase
Nothing that we can say now
Can get back what we gave up
That was then, this is now
It's been too long
Slow me down
Inside Out
O holy night
Phantom of the Opera -
Emmy Rossum - wishing you were somehow here again
(you might want to turn the volume up abit)
Sarah Brightman - wishing you were somehow here again
(her rendition sounds more mysterious, hmm)
byebye off to work :D
So, here are a few videos with her, of her and about her.
Firstly, Emmy's an actress AND a singer, definitely not just another of those who sing for the sake of it (and don't sound too good), she'd pick music over acting anytime. Actually, she only became interested in acting after a few years in the singing career, became a member of the Metropolitan Opera Children's Chorus at the age of 7.
Secondly, she played the role of Christine in Phantom of the Opera (the movie) and did a wonderful job, and I'm sure most of you know that.
So say you'll love me every waking moment..
Thirdly, she's classy. VERY, classy. And pretty, complete with a...hypnotic voice. Not to forget she's only 22 right now, and starred in POTO at the tender age of 16. She's also been in The day after tomorrow, Mystic River and Poseidon etc.
Tell me, why wouldn't anybody love her?
Great Moments with Emmy Rossum :D
(her pronounciation's fantastic)
Four of her self composed songs. Some of them are a little unique, but you'll eventually fall in love with them after awhile ^_^ She's added many many layers to the music, thus making it so rich.
been too long (it wasn't released, but her nicest imo)
September, the leaves were falling red and gold
And I remember the way you pulled me closer
Nothing else existed in the world we lived in
Hidden, we didn't see the storm was coming closer
That was then
But the time has come and gone
Nothing left but a broken story
We can't change, can't erase
Nothing that we can say now
Can get back what we gave up
That was then, this is now
It's been too long
December, when we were
Drifting like the falling snow
Around us but then a winter's chill blew through your heart
Mistakes we made didn't know what they'd change
The silence, was so hard
But I am stronger for it
That was then
But the time has come and gone
Nothing left but a broken story
We can't change, can't erase
Nothing that we can say now
Can get back what we gave up
That was then, this is now
It's been too long
Slow me down
Inside Out
O holy night
Phantom of the Opera -
Emmy Rossum - wishing you were somehow here again
(you might want to turn the volume up abit)
Sarah Brightman - wishing you were somehow here again
(her rendition sounds more mysterious, hmm)
byebye off to work :D
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Haven't been updating, here's a summary of the past few days!
Thursday - played table tennis with jeanette during PE. Boy, I miss playing it so much! First half was spent on captain's ball with the rest of the 4L girls and we went up to the tabletennis room after that.
Playing table tennis the traditional/normal way ain't fun okay, and anybody who have played with me in the past should know :D Just a few amateurs trying to make the game fun, we're amateurs WHAT. hahaha (though its fun on its own anyway hahah)
1) play from one table to the next, so if you drop the ball on the floor, just continue hitting even if it were to land on another table/hits the ceiling/the floor again.
2) count the number of times both of you can hit continuously without dropping the ball. Set an aim before that to make the game more challenging
3) Name a person on each hit. (eg. just a name in alphabetical order, any person from a given cca, scandals HAHAHA)
4) perspire like mad :D
Right, that was thursday.
Friday -
Terie's dad's van broke down so we had to walk up to school O: The last time I ever walked to school was probably..the last day of choir practice -.- Wouldn't mind walking up like that everyday IF perspiring doesn't occur. Anyway, we reached school quite on time so that's that.
Not to mention that the pet bottle's tip came off and the hamster's cage was drowned in water. No, make that vitamin fortified water. (fortified reminded me of homec HAHA).
ah yes, answering that question is that simple: Ashley and kaiying are helping me bring it to the vet. Well, I still let my mom know about it and she started grumbling, but not so much cause I said "my friends can't stand the fact that its not being treated at the vet". LOL.
During assembly, almost a quarter of AHS' male population had to sit in rows at the side of the parade square cause their hairstyle wasn't acceptable -.- Abit too...kua zhang if you asked me. What's the point of pulling so many people up? For fun lor.
Little hammie got lots of attention o_O. First, germaine put it in her cupped hands and brought it up and down with some "guchi woochi woo" sound, then she put her whole head INTO the plastic bag it was in (cause I was waiting to clean the WET cage) and went goochiwoochiwoo again. Afterwhich it got passed around.
If you want girls to go "OMG SO CUTEEEE!"...
..bring a hamster to school. K la, i'd do that if i were them too LOL. anyway yah, it was injured and received lots of loveee from everybody HAHA. Ngik and jeanette kept arguing about who the hamster liked more. ME LA hahaha.

Oh, it has a new name. CREAMPUFF! :D (leonayeo's contribution :D)
The emaths mock test afterschool was fine IMO. except for the radian question which i left completely blank. I friggin forgot a radian was how many degrees -.- omg frickin hell. nevermind, an improvement sounds fine enough for me. I didn't do a few parts of the graph questions too.
My mom called after the test to tell me she's already at ICA. Yup, I'm a clever girl, I lost my IC two months ago and just decided to make it -__-
Dammit the place closes at 430 and I was still in school at 3:55.
SO LETS THANK ANNIA FOR HELPING ME REACH ON TIME. Dearest one RAN DOWN THE HILL WITH ME, yes WITH ME. thanks again really, how many friends are willing to run down the hill with you when you're gonna be late for something? Annia :D are your muscles aching like hell now haha?
Yup, so the IC was done in a jiffy since I was the last one in the queue HAHA. reached there ON THE DOT. 430 ^_^. Stuffed some Mr bean pineapple thingum, an icecream and some leftover FAN CHOI from 1st recess into my stomach. o_O Was starving, y'know?
Kaiying, siyun and Ashley smsed to tell me they were done and that they were waiting at KFC. Took me half and hour or so, sorry guys D: Now, guess what.
"Bad news is..the doctor can't perform an operation on him"
"Good news doesn't need one"
K I FELT VERY LAME THEN. because it wasn't bleeding in the eyes. hamsters have RED tears. Hey, don't blame me for that k, if you see red stuff near its eyes you'd have thought it was blood too, RIGHT, RIGHT?
AND, its leg wasn't broken (though I swear the condition was much worse 4 days earlier), it was probably twisted and HAH WTH WHAT THE HELL. so why on earth was it dangling the other day? i don't know -.- I VERY LAME LEH.
The only medicine the doctor prescribed was for its wound on its body:

btw, they told the vet it was called "hamster" cause I haven't named it yet LOL. so, THANKS again for helping me bring it to the vet. It urined on siyun, i heard.
They made me treat them to cheesefries and I became broke after that. K, they asked me to so I said yes and they got shocked and gladly accepted the offer. HAHA I DON'T OWE YOU GUYS ICE CREAM ANYMORE RIGHT ^_^
We sat there for quite some time. people rant to friends i rant on blog lor ):, and I can't blog everything out so some facts still get hidden, anyway. (and no, emo songs are so not my source of emo -.-) . but nonetheless I'll still try to emo less hahha.
hahahah our butts were stuck onto the seats. Roamed around TM for awhile and since I had no activity whatsoever at night, I went home.
Sad case for me, got nothing done. TYVM hahah. and fell asleep at....idk what time, quite early.
OHBTW, FRIDAY WAS THE VOTING FOR PROM KING AND QUEEN FOR EACH CLASS :D each person is entitled to 4 votes - two guys two girls. Not tellin' ya my vote ;D

woke up with a delicious breakfast set ^_^
and went to study. Blew 2(1.950) + (5.35) + (0.9) on two black pens, a new pencil and a highlighter.

HEY, the pencil is cool k, the black one
(though I'd say my metal one is damn cool too ^_^)
k then, GOGOGO!!!
Thursday - played table tennis with jeanette during PE. Boy, I miss playing it so much! First half was spent on captain's ball with the rest of the 4L girls and we went up to the tabletennis room after that.
Playing table tennis the traditional/normal way ain't fun okay, and anybody who have played with me in the past should know :D Just a few amateurs trying to make the game fun, we're amateurs WHAT. hahaha (though its fun on its own anyway hahah)
1) play from one table to the next, so if you drop the ball on the floor, just continue hitting even if it were to land on another table/hits the ceiling/the floor again.
2) count the number of times both of you can hit continuously without dropping the ball. Set an aim before that to make the game more challenging
3) Name a person on each hit. (eg. just a name in alphabetical order, any person from a given cca, scandals HAHAHA)
4) perspire like mad :D
Right, that was thursday.
Friday -
Terie's dad's van broke down so we had to walk up to school O: The last time I ever walked to school was probably..the last day of choir practice -.- Wouldn't mind walking up like that everyday IF perspiring doesn't occur. Anyway, we reached school quite on time so that's that.
Not to mention that the pet bottle's tip came off and the hamster's cage was drowned in water. No, make that vitamin fortified water. (fortified reminded me of homec HAHA).
ah yes, answering that question is that simple: Ashley and kaiying are helping me bring it to the vet. Well, I still let my mom know about it and she started grumbling, but not so much cause I said "my friends can't stand the fact that its not being treated at the vet". LOL.
During assembly, almost a quarter of AHS' male population had to sit in rows at the side of the parade square cause their hairstyle wasn't acceptable -.- Abit too...kua zhang if you asked me. What's the point of pulling so many people up? For fun lor.
Little hammie got lots of attention o_O. First, germaine put it in her cupped hands and brought it up and down with some "guchi woochi woo" sound, then she put her whole head INTO the plastic bag it was in (cause I was waiting to clean the WET cage) and went goochiwoochiwoo again. Afterwhich it got passed around.
If you want girls to go "OMG SO CUTEEEE!"...
..bring a hamster to school. K la, i'd do that if i were them too LOL. anyway yah, it was injured and received lots of loveee from everybody HAHA. Ngik and jeanette kept arguing about who the hamster liked more. ME LA hahaha.
Oh, it has a new name. CREAMPUFF! :D (leonayeo's contribution :D)
The emaths mock test afterschool was fine IMO. except for the radian question which i left completely blank. I friggin forgot a radian was how many degrees -.- omg frickin hell. nevermind, an improvement sounds fine enough for me. I didn't do a few parts of the graph questions too.
My mom called after the test to tell me she's already at ICA. Yup, I'm a clever girl, I lost my IC two months ago and just decided to make it -__-
Dammit the place closes at 430 and I was still in school at 3:55.
SO LETS THANK ANNIA FOR HELPING ME REACH ON TIME. Dearest one RAN DOWN THE HILL WITH ME, yes WITH ME. thanks again really, how many friends are willing to run down the hill with you when you're gonna be late for something? Annia :D are your muscles aching like hell now haha?
Yup, so the IC was done in a jiffy since I was the last one in the queue HAHA. reached there ON THE DOT. 430 ^_^. Stuffed some Mr bean pineapple thingum, an icecream and some leftover FAN CHOI from 1st recess into my stomach. o_O Was starving, y'know?
Kaiying, siyun and Ashley smsed to tell me they were done and that they were waiting at KFC. Took me half and hour or so, sorry guys D: Now, guess what.
"Bad news is..the doctor can't perform an operation on him"
"Good news doesn't need one"
K I FELT VERY LAME THEN. because it wasn't bleeding in the eyes. hamsters have RED tears. Hey, don't blame me for that k, if you see red stuff near its eyes you'd have thought it was blood too, RIGHT, RIGHT?
AND, its leg wasn't broken (though I swear the condition was much worse 4 days earlier), it was probably twisted and HAH WTH WHAT THE HELL. so why on earth was it dangling the other day? i don't know -.- I VERY LAME LEH.
The only medicine the doctor prescribed was for its wound on its body:
btw, they told the vet it was called "hamster" cause I haven't named it yet LOL. so, THANKS again for helping me bring it to the vet. It urined on siyun, i heard.
They made me treat them to cheesefries and I became broke after that. K, they asked me to so I said yes and they got shocked and gladly accepted the offer. HAHA I DON'T OWE YOU GUYS ICE CREAM ANYMORE RIGHT ^_^
We sat there for quite some time. people rant to friends i rant on blog lor ):, and I can't blog everything out so some facts still get hidden, anyway. (and no, emo songs are so not my source of emo -.-) . but nonetheless I'll still try to emo less hahha.
hahahah our butts were stuck onto the seats. Roamed around TM for awhile and since I had no activity whatsoever at night, I went home.
Sad case for me, got nothing done. TYVM hahah. and fell asleep at....idk what time, quite early.
OHBTW, FRIDAY WAS THE VOTING FOR PROM KING AND QUEEN FOR EACH CLASS :D each person is entitled to 4 votes - two guys two girls. Not tellin' ya my vote ;D
woke up with a delicious breakfast set ^_^
and went to study. Blew 2(1.950) + (5.35) + (0.9) on two black pens, a new pencil and a highlighter.
HEY, the pencil is cool k, the black one
(though I'd say my metal one is damn cool too ^_^)
k then, GOGOGO!!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Alright man, its 11:30 pm, bathing time soon! ^_^
(gimme 20 minutes or so to write this!)
Oh, you guys better not be late anymore man (don't look at me! i only tried it twice this year k!)
btw, if you wanna be late, better be VERY late and come during recess or something, because if you suay suay kena caught like the 10+ people today....goodluck.
C was probably feeling grumpy today, so she caught many latecomers and made them stand in a row. Or maybe today's "PUBLIC HUMILIATION DAY", cause she made a few people stand up because they were laughing about how somebody slipped and fell cause of the CRUSHED APPLES somebody threw down the stairs. uh, hah. pity those guys :/
Nah, uh, not gonna let my day be ruined by these silly lil things ^_^. Hey, people said my hair was actually fine so, I shall learn to like it too. Terie says we should tell ourselves "WE HAVE PRETTY HAIR!" everyday so we'll have confidence man.
I HAVE PRETTY HAIR!!!! (no, not really -__-) I mean, the scene where I stepped into class today was kinda hilarious k.
yah, so the day was like that. Annia gave us free chocolates, she cut her hair too, I won't ever feel alone with people with pretty hair all around me :D
I got my Emaths paper back, YIPENG OFFICIALLY OWES ME A TUBE OF CHOCOLATE ^_^. C5 and above yo. although its an easy paper and almost everybody did better than me...its still an improvement. EMMA GOGOGOGO!!!!
During SEL, MPoh showed us a movie called mrs hellfire (OR STH LIKE THAT), but the volume was too soft so we decided to do our own stuff in the end. CMI lar, our class. abit too noisy so I slept in the end (Y). I mean, we can study individually or in groups outside but not in class hahahaha.
We were really high during SEL k hahaha. I was VERY VERY HIGH THROUGHOUT THE DAY!! leongying smsed me the "I V HIGH" sms again HAHA,
actually, not really. we just went through the zuoye, and...
He came into class with a CUTE plastic bag. Filled with....guess what!!!!
"不过看你们,好像没有不高兴 leh , 老师有为你们打气! 这里只有30包,我把店里所有的都买下来 了,不够你们自己休息时分吧!”
HE'S SO NICE! :D three ferrero Rochers each. ^_^


:D :D :D :D

As retarded as min you!

my table is messy, the only 像样 place front of the monitor -.-

after recess, I found cookies on my seat! (there were 5 of them. or 4?)
THANKYOU XUANEEEE I LOVE YOUR COOKIES AND THIS BATCH IS ESPECIALLY NICE CAUSE ITS CHEWY! :D I love you too haha, maybe i'll bake something for you after my o's! :D
After school, I walked down with Kaiying Annia siyun Ashley, and met Jiaying and Xinhui at the mrt station. So we decided to lunch at kobayashi!
6 dance members and 1 choir member. Tio own lollll.

3 soba sets and 3 fish sets!
Ashley and I had an eating competition, the rules stated that if I win, she's have to give us 100 bucks. I WON OKAY!!!! by a milli second but I STILL WON OKAY! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I WON! (hahah ashley i really did!)
afterwhich, xinhui jiaying annia ashley went home while kaikai and I studied at the food court. Very productive. Besides the moment where....

HEY, WHO TOU PAI ME? that was only for around 10 minutes k! Was really tired ):
but trust me, it went well.
Ashley came to meet us at 5+, and after some studying we went to find her waterbottle, and also to petsafari to get a animal carrier for the runaway hamster :D
Tuition at 7, and homeeee.
its getting along fine, besides the fractured dangling leg...


Ashley's gonna help me bring him to the vet on friday I think :D THANKS!


in my dad's hands.

its new "cage' is the smallest one!


new watch yo!
K byebye 我去洗澡了!
Alright man, its 11:30 pm, bathing time soon! ^_^
(gimme 20 minutes or so to write this!)
Oh, you guys better not be late anymore man (don't look at me! i only tried it twice this year k!)
btw, if you wanna be late, better be VERY late and come during recess or something, because if you suay suay kena caught like the 10+ people today....goodluck.
C was probably feeling grumpy today, so she caught many latecomers and made them stand in a row. Or maybe today's "PUBLIC HUMILIATION DAY", cause she made a few people stand up because they were laughing about how somebody slipped and fell cause of the CRUSHED APPLES somebody threw down the stairs. uh, hah. pity those guys :/
Nah, uh, not gonna let my day be ruined by these silly lil things ^_^. Hey, people said my hair was actually fine so, I shall learn to like it too. Terie says we should tell ourselves "WE HAVE PRETTY HAIR!" everyday so we'll have confidence man.
I HAVE PRETTY HAIR!!!! (no, not really -__-) I mean, the scene where I stepped into class today was kinda hilarious k.
yah, so the day was like that. Annia gave us free chocolates, she cut her hair too, I won't ever feel alone with people with pretty hair all around me :D
I got my Emaths paper back, YIPENG OFFICIALLY OWES ME A TUBE OF CHOCOLATE ^_^. C5 and above yo. although its an easy paper and almost everybody did better than me...its still an improvement. EMMA GOGOGOGO!!!!
During SEL, MPoh showed us a movie called mrs hellfire (OR STH LIKE THAT), but the volume was too soft so we decided to do our own stuff in the end. CMI lar, our class. abit too noisy so I slept in the end (Y). I mean, we can study individually or in groups outside but not in class hahahaha.
We were really high during SEL k hahaha. I was VERY VERY HIGH THROUGHOUT THE DAY!! leongying smsed me the "I V HIGH" sms again HAHA,
actually, not really. we just went through the zuoye, and...
He came into class with a CUTE plastic bag. Filled with....guess what!!!!
"不过看你们,好像没有不高兴 leh , 老师有为你们打气! 这里只有30包,我把店里所有的都买下来 了,不够你们自己休息时分吧!”
HE'S SO NICE! :D three ferrero Rochers each. ^_^
:D :D :D :D
As retarded as min you!
my table is messy, the only 像样 place front of the monitor -.-
after recess, I found cookies on my seat! (there were 5 of them. or 4?)
THANKYOU XUANEEEE I LOVE YOUR COOKIES AND THIS BATCH IS ESPECIALLY NICE CAUSE ITS CHEWY! :D I love you too haha, maybe i'll bake something for you after my o's! :D
After school, I walked down with Kaiying Annia siyun Ashley, and met Jiaying and Xinhui at the mrt station. So we decided to lunch at kobayashi!
6 dance members and 1 choir member. Tio own lollll.
3 soba sets and 3 fish sets!
Ashley and I had an eating competition, the rules stated that if I win, she's have to give us 100 bucks. I WON OKAY!!!! by a milli second but I STILL WON OKAY! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I WON! (hahah ashley i really did!)
afterwhich, xinhui jiaying annia ashley went home while kaikai and I studied at the food court. Very productive. Besides the moment where....
HEY, WHO TOU PAI ME? that was only for around 10 minutes k! Was really tired ):
but trust me, it went well.
Ashley came to meet us at 5+, and after some studying we went to find her waterbottle, and also to petsafari to get a animal carrier for the runaway hamster :D
Tuition at 7, and homeeee.
its getting along fine, besides the fractured dangling leg...
Ashley's gonna help me bring him to the vet on friday I think :D THANKS!
in my dad's hands.
its new "cage' is the smallest one!
new watch yo!
K byebye 我去洗澡了!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Woah, yesterday's post seems more like a drama.
Summary: I saw an injured hamster, brought it home, parents didn't allow me to bring it to a vet even though it had a badly fractured leg and injured eye, I got angry because its different when YOU'RE the one who went through all the trouble to save it, and know that it might have a chance of facing death if it doesn't get treated asap. and your parents start scolding you VERY badly because you want to bring it to the vet. yah.
Oh, and trust me when I mean VERY badly.
Anyway, I saw this dried up and squashed hamster at the steps today, it was really gross. What, I'm fated to see poor little creatures? ):
Runaway hamster reminds me of....somebody's blog url hor :D
Going out with ngik to study now, Tampines library ain't that bad y'know, its better than the airport IMO!
k gogogogo!
Summary: I saw an injured hamster, brought it home, parents didn't allow me to bring it to a vet even though it had a badly fractured leg and injured eye, I got angry because its different when YOU'RE the one who went through all the trouble to save it, and know that it might have a chance of facing death if it doesn't get treated asap. and your parents start scolding you VERY badly because you want to bring it to the vet. yah.
Oh, and trust me when I mean VERY badly.
Anyway, I saw this dried up and squashed hamster at the steps today, it was really gross. What, I'm fated to see poor little creatures? ):
Runaway hamster reminds me of....somebody's blog url hor :D
Going out with ngik to study now, Tampines library ain't that bad y'know, its better than the airport IMO!
k gogogogo!
After tuition today, I saw a little hamster near the door of the lift. It looked badly injured and dirty, one of its eyes were kinda bloody and half opened, while its hind leg was noticeably broken. Dangling might have been a better choice of word. Must've been a little runaway hammie, trapped its legs in the lift? I dunno, it just looked pitiful.
My first thought was to...observe its actions for a longer time and perhaps bring it home. Thats what they do in stories, anyway. See a little injured bird, bring it home and that's the beginning of a happy ending.
Tiny little creature it was, white with a grey dorsal stripe and small red nose. About two weeks old, because I had two week old baby hammies of my own. At first, I thought it was dead, until I used my slipper to give it a nudge. It jerked, but still did not move an inch. When I was about to return to my teacher's house, the lively hammie sprang into action and scurried towards..the rubbish chute.
I dared not touch it, afraid that it might carry some sort of disease. Praying really hard it wouldn't hide in a little hole (it'd make it difficult for me to get him out), I whipped out my phone to call the first person I could think of that would know how to deal with the matter: kaiying.
"Ohmg how! Feed it some food!"
"omg quick take some food from your teacher and lead it out!"
So that was what I did. Rang the doorbell, asked for a piece of bread and a plastic bag to hold him in. it worked - only then did i realise the door above the hole could be opened, and it was dirty like hell. Tiny little hammie nibbled at the piece of white bread, must've been heaven for him. Wait, hold on. It might nibble through the plastic bag and escape.
My file could be its home. In a hurry, I emptied the contents of the file (maths worksheets and a book) into my bag and got him to hop in. Come little creature, hop in and save yourself. Save yourself from this smelly dumpster. Well, just that the file was a little flat for it to even crawl about...
To my tuition teacher's house it was, again. This time, she offered me a thicker plastic carrier and let me in to wash my hands. I'll have to thank her for that. Knowing she was in a hurry to grab herself a meal, I rushed off and got into the lift.
-Little hammie safe in a yellow plastic bag. Small, pitiful hammie was probably wincing in pain, but that didn't stop her from eating. Must have been quite long since the day she got seperated from her parents and siblings. Was to her own will or what, I don't know. Whatever it was, he's gonna get a new home. Mine.
So I called my mom, and told her I'd be late. We got the watch I needed. I told them it needed a vet, they didn't allow me to bring him to the vet.
I've always been referring to it as a "him". I..THINK its a him, yes.
Anyway, they REFUSED to let me bring him to a vet. No matter how many times I pestered, begged and explained how it NEEDED a vet because there might be a chance of it getting an infection from the badly fractured leg, they didn't listen. (asked jacqueline, she's an expert at animals and she said a fractured limb is a complicated matter)
It wasn't really about the money, I guess. I offered to pay for the consultation fees/amputation with my own money, but they didn't allow it either. SO WHAT IS IT THAT'S BOTHERING YOU ALL HUH? YOU THINK I'LL BRING A BABY PANDA HOME NEXT TIME? OR A HUMAN BABY?
Seriously, I don't understand it. They scolded me. Wasn't as easy as it sounds. I can type it in one sentence - They scolded me badly. But dammit, it wasn't that good a scolding.
Well, sorry I've been alittle rude. But I was desperate. It needed help. really.
Me: "so, you all are gonna..let it be, let it get an infection and die? Knowing we can help it by bringing it to the vet?"
them: "yes, we can't help it, that's how they survive in the wild, anyway"
me: "no, we CAN help it, we can bring it to the vet. they are DOMESTICATED animals, they don't live in the wild anymore, they can't help themselves, WE can"
them: "you know, some parents don't even ALLOW their children to even BRING it home?"
me: "....? most people would help. Besides, would you see a dying little hamster by the lift and just LEAVE it there to die and fend for itself?"
them: "well, no.. No."
me: "...? hmm?"
them: "so you're trying to make us sound cruel because we don't let you bring it to the vet?"
me: "ain't that cruel? I mean, you're seeing a spark of life here, trying hard to survive, and we know we can help by letting professionals take a look at it and maybe let it live on. Yes."
them: "the mothers eat their own babies. That's the way they live in the wild, anyway."
me: "!! Its still a life and I still can't bear to see it like that! its leg is broken!!!"
them: "the only thing you can do now is to clean it, and feed it. That's the best we can do!"
me: "no, the best we can do is to treat it by bringing it to the vet. It'll die. I don't want it to die"
and a bunch of stuff after that. Truth was, I was afraid of having the feeling of guilt in me if it ever died. really.
I also found out that they put clarice and cody in the same cage and left them there and left the house.
1) I did not buy them at the same time. Chances are, they'd fight and both with end up wounded
2) They didn't even ask me. No, they didn't even tell me they put them together.
3) I've told them that they'd fight and the scene wouldn't be too nice.
I sorta went "eeeeeee" and walked away to cool some steam, not throwing a tantrum, just to cool myself off. So they ended up saying I was unreasonable. TWO HAMSTERS TOGETHER = WWE.
no, seriously. unreasonable? Thankyouvery much.
You win, I lose.
No vet for little hamster.
Lucky clarice and cody weren't injured.
Well, kaiying said they'd regret what they just said and be nice tomorrow. They did become a LITTLE nice by helping me clean him up and crack the nuts for him. (it couldn't eat the seed by itself. We cracked it open for him and he GOBBLED them down as if it were his last supper)
No seriously, I still don't get their ultimate...motive. Reason. whatever.
1) They're afraid it'll carry some disease
2) They're afraid I'll bring more home if they allow me to this time. (no, they were actually nice enough to let me bring it home, just the vet)
3) ....what?
Nevermind. I'll name the hammie somewhere along the lines of
as in, the meaning not its name. stay strong okay, you'll do fine ^_^
I don't know why I care so much. why ah? Why do I care so much ah, its the first time leh. Never ever felt so much for an animal before. Srsly. Why..I don't know o_O
Thanks to kaiying and Annia and ashley for hearing me vent frustrations anyway. Hope they have a reasonable reason to why they don't allow me to bring it to the vet, eh? :D
Alright, my mom was really afraid of it having some disease, they said they're willing to let me take care of it at home and let it heal. Hmm. Okay.
I'll be fine after sleeping, lah.
My first thought was to...observe its actions for a longer time and perhaps bring it home. Thats what they do in stories, anyway. See a little injured bird, bring it home and that's the beginning of a happy ending.
Tiny little creature it was, white with a grey dorsal stripe and small red nose. About two weeks old, because I had two week old baby hammies of my own. At first, I thought it was dead, until I used my slipper to give it a nudge. It jerked, but still did not move an inch. When I was about to return to my teacher's house, the lively hammie sprang into action and scurried towards..the rubbish chute.
I dared not touch it, afraid that it might carry some sort of disease. Praying really hard it wouldn't hide in a little hole (it'd make it difficult for me to get him out), I whipped out my phone to call the first person I could think of that would know how to deal with the matter: kaiying.
"Ohmg how! Feed it some food!"
"omg quick take some food from your teacher and lead it out!"
So that was what I did. Rang the doorbell, asked for a piece of bread and a plastic bag to hold him in. it worked - only then did i realise the door above the hole could be opened, and it was dirty like hell. Tiny little hammie nibbled at the piece of white bread, must've been heaven for him. Wait, hold on. It might nibble through the plastic bag and escape.
My file could be its home. In a hurry, I emptied the contents of the file (maths worksheets and a book) into my bag and got him to hop in. Come little creature, hop in and save yourself. Save yourself from this smelly dumpster. Well, just that the file was a little flat for it to even crawl about...
To my tuition teacher's house it was, again. This time, she offered me a thicker plastic carrier and let me in to wash my hands. I'll have to thank her for that. Knowing she was in a hurry to grab herself a meal, I rushed off and got into the lift.
-Little hammie safe in a yellow plastic bag. Small, pitiful hammie was probably wincing in pain, but that didn't stop her from eating. Must have been quite long since the day she got seperated from her parents and siblings. Was to her own will or what, I don't know. Whatever it was, he's gonna get a new home. Mine.
So I called my mom, and told her I'd be late. We got the watch I needed. I told them it needed a vet, they didn't allow me to bring him to the vet.
I've always been referring to it as a "him". I..THINK its a him, yes.
Anyway, they REFUSED to let me bring him to a vet. No matter how many times I pestered, begged and explained how it NEEDED a vet because there might be a chance of it getting an infection from the badly fractured leg, they didn't listen. (asked jacqueline, she's an expert at animals and she said a fractured limb is a complicated matter)
It wasn't really about the money, I guess. I offered to pay for the consultation fees/amputation with my own money, but they didn't allow it either. SO WHAT IS IT THAT'S BOTHERING YOU ALL HUH? YOU THINK I'LL BRING A BABY PANDA HOME NEXT TIME? OR A HUMAN BABY?
Seriously, I don't understand it. They scolded me. Wasn't as easy as it sounds. I can type it in one sentence - They scolded me badly. But dammit, it wasn't that good a scolding.
Well, sorry I've been alittle rude. But I was desperate. It needed help. really.
Me: "so, you all are gonna..let it be, let it get an infection and die? Knowing we can help it by bringing it to the vet?"
them: "yes, we can't help it, that's how they survive in the wild, anyway"
me: "no, we CAN help it, we can bring it to the vet. they are DOMESTICATED animals, they don't live in the wild anymore, they can't help themselves, WE can"
them: "you know, some parents don't even ALLOW their children to even BRING it home?"
me: "....? most people would help. Besides, would you see a dying little hamster by the lift and just LEAVE it there to die and fend for itself?"
them: "well, no.. No."
me: "...? hmm?"
them: "so you're trying to make us sound cruel because we don't let you bring it to the vet?"
me: "ain't that cruel? I mean, you're seeing a spark of life here, trying hard to survive, and we know we can help by letting professionals take a look at it and maybe let it live on. Yes."
them: "the mothers eat their own babies. That's the way they live in the wild, anyway."
me: "!! Its still a life and I still can't bear to see it like that! its leg is broken!!!"
them: "the only thing you can do now is to clean it, and feed it. That's the best we can do!"
me: "no, the best we can do is to treat it by bringing it to the vet. It'll die. I don't want it to die"
and a bunch of stuff after that. Truth was, I was afraid of having the feeling of guilt in me if it ever died. really.
I also found out that they put clarice and cody in the same cage and left them there and left the house.
1) I did not buy them at the same time. Chances are, they'd fight and both with end up wounded
2) They didn't even ask me. No, they didn't even tell me they put them together.
3) I've told them that they'd fight and the scene wouldn't be too nice.
I sorta went "eeeeeee" and walked away to cool some steam, not throwing a tantrum, just to cool myself off. So they ended up saying I was unreasonable. TWO HAMSTERS TOGETHER = WWE.
no, seriously. unreasonable? Thankyouvery much.
You win, I lose.
No vet for little hamster.
Lucky clarice and cody weren't injured.
Well, kaiying said they'd regret what they just said and be nice tomorrow. They did become a LITTLE nice by helping me clean him up and crack the nuts for him. (it couldn't eat the seed by itself. We cracked it open for him and he GOBBLED them down as if it were his last supper)
No seriously, I still don't get their ultimate...motive. Reason. whatever.
1) They're afraid it'll carry some disease
2) They're afraid I'll bring more home if they allow me to this time. (no, they were actually nice enough to let me bring it home, just the vet)
3) ....what?
Nevermind. I'll name the hammie somewhere along the lines of
as in, the meaning not its name. stay strong okay, you'll do fine ^_^
I don't know why I care so much. why ah? Why do I care so much ah, its the first time leh. Never ever felt so much for an animal before. Srsly. Why..I don't know o_O
Thanks to kaiying and Annia and ashley for hearing me vent frustrations anyway. Hope they have a reasonable reason to why they don't allow me to bring it to the vet, eh? :D
Alright, my mom was really afraid of it having some disease, they said they're willing to let me take care of it at home and let it heal. Hmm. Okay.
I'll be fine after sleeping, lah.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
I was supposed to post this up last night but fell asleep, so here it is!
PLEASE BE PATIENT AND WAIT FOR PHOTOS TO LOAD ^_^ VERY image heavy, i've uploaded ALL the photos taken yesterday
We reached school at 6:30 to rehearse and prepare ourselves. The doors were all locked, so the guys took out the pieces of glass from the window, sheena climbed in first while the rest followed. Some of us stayed out of the class with Yingzhi before the door was opened.
All the girls of 4L had a piece of red cloth tied around their heads and looked like guniangs. :D It looked really...festive 'cause of our red coloured shirts too :]
Before we set off for the parade square, some of us helped to paint stars on the girls' faces complete with pretty glitter. In the end, I had to paint the star on my own face cause everybody was leaving lol.

4L! LOVE (sheena can come up with the rest HAHA)

(spot weyjian LOL)
Felicia sent them to me so I can pass them to you guys! (click to view and save)
Our cheer was pretty good IMO, I thought 4F's one was great cause the star was really really cool and pretty! the whole idea haha. Not to mention PCK and some zai and loud cheers from 4JK.
We didn't win, but none of us minded because its the first time we've seen the class so bonded. Our last performance together. I think the thought of this made everybody put in their very best, that's what matters most.
You can view it from Yingzhi's blog :D

Edmund's very beautifully drawn lion coloured in by terie (top) and my papercut lion (bottom).
They were saying how mine would DEFINITELY lose if they were to fight haha. Duh, mine looks like a pillow and edmund's one looks damn fierce and mighty LOL
The 6 strands of whiskers which I painstakingly cut out and stuck on the lion the night before were reduced to 2. HAHAHA. thanks ah, i think haonan was using it to fan himself throughout. I don't mind the gusts of wind man lolol.
Remember how yelaoshi said he'd give us remedials (whole class) if we didn't win?
Well, we didn't, and we SCREAMED AND SHOUTED for him across the parade square;
He was smiling as he walked towards us k, said something about how he'll treat us to chocolates on tuesday. WE LIKE YELAOSHI because he's not as mean as most of you think!
Yeahman, as Terie says, our class is not cut out to win these competitions, cause we're bonded in other ways like this. Even though its just shouting together across the parade square for a teacher, I felt so happy then.
I re-re quote from Chinyee (who quoted from grace): "made me feel damn "warm and fuzzy" inside. Aw.". That was exactly how I felt too! :D
We also have loads of enthu people like weyjian who painted his whole face! I wanted to take a picture but he ran away before that can get them from my other classmates' blogs ^_^
&, this is the FIRST time i'm participating in the school's NDP as the AUDIENCE and not a performer. Forgot to take a picture of the choir, but you guys looked great k :D
After the celebration, we trooped back up to class to watch the tree planting ceremony. We didn't bother to watch, and everybody took pictures instead.
Sorry there's so many photos of me k, I really want to keep these as memories, and posting them up on my blog is different from just dumping it into the com. (I don't usually like to put so many photos of myself -__-)

Ngik, Leonana, Feliciaberrycia, EmmaBanana, Christinaa, JUnette, Yipeng! (where's vanessa?)


you can consider this the girls' class comm picture :D

took pictures of others hahh ;D
Annia and I set this as our next wallpaper :

this is the 4th one, if i'm not wrong ^_^

and here's kaikai! :D and me hahaha

Teriechen XIXI and me! (The rest are in her phone :D)

JeanLIET and emMEO/ JUnette and ROma! (romeo and juliet lah)
KISSING! (like how we always do it HAHA)

k, we look normal here hahah
my dearest JUnette (SMOOOCH)

soutehana hanasanaide, hanasanaide (her zhao pai song)

feliciaBerrycia and emmaBanana! :D
sleepy and momo's missing from picture though :/

Christina! :D I TOTALLY do not look like myself here, must be christina's phone hahah.
and when yipeng and I were trying to take one...

stupid leona came to kiss her instead! o_O

hohoho! I look like her kid or something HAHA.

chinyee, baochuan and I! :D
we look happpyyyyy hmm!

I like this picture too cause GRACEEE and I look happy too! :D

ho, candid shot at the back, aye!

another one! :D


another one again! (leongying likes to take double shots i realised LOL)

My eyes >> O-o
but its okay since its the only photo I have with Sheena Girlfriendzxzx hahaha!

with YINGZHI! :D

2nd shot hahah! ^_^

Haonan! (who purposely gave a spastic smile omg haha)
I haven't taken a picture with Wanzhen and Felicia and Vanessa and all the guys in 4L D:
Its alright mannn, we have a class photo! :D

Isabel wanted to take a photo OF me, but I said NOWAYYY!
here's one of the VERYVERY FEW photos we've taken together! :D

LeonaQuek! :D

with Leona and Kaikai! :D they look so cute hahaha!
with kaikai againnn! ^_^
After the celebration, I walked down the hill with ANNIA SIYUN KAIYING ASHLEY XINHUI!
We had lunch at kobayashi, where I could only finish half a bowl of noodles even though i was STARVING LIKE HELL. something's wrong with my appetite. Seriously. I NEED TO EAT MORE THAN THAT!!!!!

While yunyun headed off for home, the rest of us walked to Ashley's house for a game of BRIDGE!
Annia and I didn't know no nuts or shit about it, so THANKS to the rest for teaching us! Sorry I seemed like I don't have much interest eh, cause I really couldn't get it at first and felt damn demoralised ):
Annia left at 2, while we continued playing. I took a LOONNGG time to be able to get a little hang of it, so sorry aye! They were being really patient though, so thanks again, sorry I kept complaining and stuff ah! It got fun towards the end and I know abit better about the game now so lets play again soonn! :D My class will always welcome you guys LOL!

kaikai took this while I was, "studying".
Studying = memorising 1/6 of the mindmap under tourism.
We left ashley's house at 5+, and had played MANY games of bridge and ONE game of daidi by then. Not to forget THREE lame games of snap. :D K it was a fun dayyyyy!
and I got SO TIRED at night, I fell asleep.
I was supposed to post this up last night but fell asleep, so here it is!
PLEASE BE PATIENT AND WAIT FOR PHOTOS TO LOAD ^_^ VERY image heavy, i've uploaded ALL the photos taken yesterday
We reached school at 6:30 to rehearse and prepare ourselves. The doors were all locked, so the guys took out the pieces of glass from the window, sheena climbed in first while the rest followed. Some of us stayed out of the class with Yingzhi before the door was opened.
All the girls of 4L had a piece of red cloth tied around their heads and looked like guniangs. :D It looked really...festive 'cause of our red coloured shirts too :]
Before we set off for the parade square, some of us helped to paint stars on the girls' faces complete with pretty glitter. In the end, I had to paint the star on my own face cause everybody was leaving lol.
4L! LOVE (sheena can come up with the rest HAHA)
(spot weyjian LOL)
Felicia sent them to me so I can pass them to you guys! (click to view and save)
Our cheer was pretty good IMO, I thought 4F's one was great cause the star was really really cool and pretty! the whole idea haha. Not to mention PCK and some zai and loud cheers from 4JK.
We didn't win, but none of us minded because its the first time we've seen the class so bonded. Our last performance together. I think the thought of this made everybody put in their very best, that's what matters most.
You can view it from Yingzhi's blog :D
Sang nila utama,
saw a lion alamak,
named the island Singapura
then run very far.
Last time we had lee kuan yew
now is his son lee hsien long
they run party PAP,
Singapore is 43!
We live in singapura,
its not perfect living
but at least its interesting
We live in singapura,
though its kinda crazy
we win other country.
Sheena: 5,6,7,8!
white yellow brown black
don't respect you kena whack
or Mas selamat will come attack (chongrui walks out with MS mask)
and Singapore will be reduced to slag
Some say lah, some say leh
Utama say, don't play play
Everybody, we've got a part to play
To sing Mari kita on national day"
Edmund's very beautifully drawn lion coloured in by terie (top) and my papercut lion (bottom).
They were saying how mine would DEFINITELY lose if they were to fight haha. Duh, mine looks like a pillow and edmund's one looks damn fierce and mighty LOL
The 6 strands of whiskers which I painstakingly cut out and stuck on the lion the night before were reduced to 2. HAHAHA. thanks ah, i think haonan was using it to fan himself throughout. I don't mind the gusts of wind man lolol.
Remember how yelaoshi said he'd give us remedials (whole class) if we didn't win?
Well, we didn't, and we SCREAMED AND SHOUTED for him across the parade square;
He was smiling as he walked towards us k, said something about how he'll treat us to chocolates on tuesday. WE LIKE YELAOSHI because he's not as mean as most of you think!
Yeahman, as Terie says, our class is not cut out to win these competitions, cause we're bonded in other ways like this. Even though its just shouting together across the parade square for a teacher, I felt so happy then.
I re-re quote from Chinyee (who quoted from grace): "made me feel damn "warm and fuzzy" inside. Aw.". That was exactly how I felt too! :D
We also have loads of enthu people like weyjian who painted his whole face! I wanted to take a picture but he ran away before that can get them from my other classmates' blogs ^_^
&, this is the FIRST time i'm participating in the school's NDP as the AUDIENCE and not a performer. Forgot to take a picture of the choir, but you guys looked great k :D
After the celebration, we trooped back up to class to watch the tree planting ceremony. We didn't bother to watch, and everybody took pictures instead.
Sorry there's so many photos of me k, I really want to keep these as memories, and posting them up on my blog is different from just dumping it into the com. (I don't usually like to put so many photos of myself -__-)

Ngik, Leonana, Feliciaberrycia, EmmaBanana, Christinaa, JUnette, Yipeng! (where's vanessa?)

you can consider this the girls' class comm picture :D
took pictures of others hahh ;D
Annia and I set this as our next wallpaper :

this is the 4th one, if i'm not wrong ^_^

and here's kaikai! :D and me hahaha
Teriechen XIXI and me! (The rest are in her phone :D)
JeanLIET and emMEO/ JUnette and ROma! (romeo and juliet lah)
KISSING! (like how we always do it HAHA)
k, we look normal here hahah
my dearest JUnette (SMOOOCH)
soutehana hanasanaide, hanasanaide (her zhao pai song)
feliciaBerrycia and emmaBanana! :D
sleepy and momo's missing from picture though :/

Christina! :D I TOTALLY do not look like myself here, must be christina's phone hahah.
and when yipeng and I were trying to take one...
stupid leona came to kiss her instead! o_O
hohoho! I look like her kid or something HAHA.
chinyee, baochuan and I! :D
we look happpyyyyy hmm!
I like this picture too cause GRACEEE and I look happy too! :D

ho, candid shot at the back, aye!

another one! :D


another one again! (leongying likes to take double shots i realised LOL)
My eyes >> O-o
but its okay since its the only photo I have with Sheena Girlfriendzxzx hahaha!
with YINGZHI! :D
2nd shot hahah! ^_^
Haonan! (who purposely gave a spastic smile omg haha)
I haven't taken a picture with Wanzhen and Felicia and Vanessa and all the guys in 4L D:
Its alright mannn, we have a class photo! :D

Isabel wanted to take a photo OF me, but I said NOWAYYY!
here's one of the VERYVERY FEW photos we've taken together! :D
LeonaQuek! :D

with Leona and Kaikai! :D they look so cute hahaha!
with kaikai againnn! ^_^
After the celebration, I walked down the hill with ANNIA SIYUN KAIYING ASHLEY XINHUI!
We had lunch at kobayashi, where I could only finish half a bowl of noodles even though i was STARVING LIKE HELL. something's wrong with my appetite. Seriously. I NEED TO EAT MORE THAN THAT!!!!!
While yunyun headed off for home, the rest of us walked to Ashley's house for a game of BRIDGE!
Annia and I didn't know no nuts or shit about it, so THANKS to the rest for teaching us! Sorry I seemed like I don't have much interest eh, cause I really couldn't get it at first and felt damn demoralised ):
Annia left at 2, while we continued playing. I took a LOONNGG time to be able to get a little hang of it, so sorry aye! They were being really patient though, so thanks again, sorry I kept complaining and stuff ah! It got fun towards the end and I know abit better about the game now so lets play again soonn! :D My class will always welcome you guys LOL!
kaikai took this while I was, "studying".
Studying = memorising 1/6 of the mindmap under tourism.
We left ashley's house at 5+, and had played MANY games of bridge and ONE game of daidi by then. Not to forget THREE lame games of snap. :D K it was a fun dayyyyy!
and I got SO TIRED at night, I fell asleep.
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